The Psychic Clairs: The Foundation of All Animal Communication Sessions

by | Aug 8, 2024 | Animal Communication | 0 comments

Have you ever had a sudden thought about your animal companion that you later found to be true? Or felt a profound feeling come over your body only to find your animal feeling unwell? These are not mere coincidences but extraordinary glimpses into the unique world of telepathic and intuitive communication between humans and animals, a realm that is both fascinating and awe-inspiring.

There’s a rich energy exchange happening beyond the physical realm between us and our animal companions. It’s a language of the soul, expressed through subtle impressions, emotions, and thoughts. By actively developing and honing our innate abilities to perceive and interpret these subtle cues, such as through meditation, mindfulness, and psychic exercises, we can unlock a deeper level of understanding and connection with our animal friends.

Telepathy, mind-to-mind communication, intuition, visual images, feeling physical or emotional pain, or inner knowing are the cornerstones of this dialogue. When we tap into these abilities, we open a channel for direct interaction with animals. It’s like learning a new language that transcends words and speaks directly to the heart.

In the following sections, we’ll delve deeper into psychic clairs, which are essentially the different ways we can receive information from animals. These ‘clairs’ are like our senses, but on a psychic level, and they facilitate this extraordinary communication.

These ‘clairs’ are like our senses, but on a psychic level, and they facilitate this extraordinary communication.

Before Psychic Clairs: Understanding Telepathic and Intuitive Communication

Beyond spoken language lies a connection between humans and animals: telepathic and intuitive communication. This form of interaction involves a direct, mind-to-mind exchange that transcends the limitations of physical senses.

Telepathy is communicating thoughts and feelings without relying on verbal or physical cues. In human-animal relationships, it’s the ability to connect directly with an animal’s mind, perceiving its thoughts, emotions, and needs. For example, you might suddenly feel a deep sadness while looking at your dog, only to realize that you have changed their routine of going to doggie daycare. This could be a telepathic connection to their emotional state.

Intuition, however, is that visual image, feeling, sensation, inner knowing, or gut feeling that guides us. When applied to animal communication, intuition acts as a compass, empowering us to understand an animal’s state of being without conscious reasoning. Perhaps you’ve had a strong urge to check on your cat, only to find them distressed. This is an example of intuition guiding you to respond to their unspoken needs, making you feel knowledgeable and in control. 

By cultivating these innate abilities, we open a gateway to a deeper, more meaningful bond with our animal companions. Telepathy and intuition allow us to enter their world, experiencing their reality through their eyes, hearts, and minds. This heightened awareness fosters empathy, trust, and a profound connection, rooted in compassion and understanding.

To fully embrace the potential of telepathic and intuitive communication, we must explore the concept of psychic clairs. These are the sensory pathways through which we receive information from the animal. By understanding these clairs, we can refine our abilities and deepen our connection with animals on an extraordinary level.

The Psychic Clairs: Pathways to Animal Communication

Psychic Clairs are the sensory channels through which we receive information from animals. Just as humans have five physical senses, we possess these psychic senses, allowing us to perceive and interpret the subtle energies and messages animals send us.

Clairaudience: Hearing animals on an energetic level

Clairaudience is the ability to hear sounds, words, or phrases from animals on an energetic level. It’s like having an inner ear tuned into the animal kingdom, allowing you to receive messages beyond the physical realm. These auditory impressions can manifest as subtle whispers, distinct voices, or musical tones.

Examples of clairaudient messages might include hearing an animal’s name, a specific request, or a feeling expressed in words. You may hear a playful tone when interacting with a puppy or a concerned undertone when comforting a distressed pet. These clairaudient experiences offer valuable insights into an animal’s thoughts, emotions, and needs.

Clairvoyance: Seeing images and visuals from animals

Clairvoyance is the ability to receive information through visual impressions. Clairvoyance allows you to see images, scenes, or symbols related to their world when communicating with animals. It’s like having an inner eye that opens up to the visual language of animals.

Examples of clairvoyant experiences include seeing images as flashes or movie-like projections of an animal’s environment or emotional state. Perhaps you see a vivid picture of a lost pet’s surroundings or a playful scene of a kitten chasing a ball of yarn. These visual impressions offer valuable insights into an animal’s perspective and experiences.

Clairsentience: Feeling the emotions and sensations of animals

Clairsentience is the ability to perceive and feel animals’ emotions and physical sensations. It’s like having an empathic connection that allows you to experience their world through your body and emotions.

Understanding an animal’s well-being through clairsentience is invaluable. We can detect subtle changes in their emotional state, identify physical discomfort, and recognize their needs before they manifest in the physical body.

The power of empathy is at the core of clairsentience. When we open our hearts to feel what an animal is experiencing, we create a powerful bond based on compassion and understanding. We can sense their joy, fear, pain, or contentment by tuning into their emotional frequencies.

Claircognizance: Knowing information about animals intuitively

Claircognizance is the type of psychic clair that receive instant knowledge or understanding about an animal without conscious reasoning. It’s like having an inner knowing that transcends the need for logical explanation. This psychic sense provides direct access to insights and information about an animal’s world.

The role of intuition is central to claircognizance. That gut feeling or inner voice offers understanding without needing external evidence. This intuitive knowing allows us to grasp an animal’s perspective, needs, and desires on a deep level.

Clairolfaction: Smelling scents not present that your animal is sharing with you

Clairolfaction also known as psychic smelling, allows you to perceive scents that are not detectable by the physical nose. With clairolfaction, you can tap into a whole new realm of sensory experience and gain valuable insights into your pet’s likes, dislikes, and whereabouts if they have not returned home. 

Examples of clairolfaction might include smelling the scent of an animal’s favorite food or the surrounding environment they are in, such as leaves, dirt, water, or musty odors.

Clairgustation: Tasting flavors not in your mouth that your animal is sharing with you

Clairgustation also known as psychic tasting, allows you to receive taste impressions in your mouth. This psychic sense can provide insights into an animal’s food preferences if it is a picky eater or feeling unwell.

Understanding animal preferences through clairgustation can be fascinating. By tasting the flavors associated with an animal’s favorite foods, we can better appreciate their sensory experiences. For example, you might taste the sweetness of grass when communicating with a horse while they are grazing in a meadow.

Cultivating the Communication Lines

At the heart of effective Animal Communication lies the ability to quiet our minds and cultivate inner stillness. It is essential to create a receptive space within ourselves, free from the noise and distractions of our daily lives. By quieting our thoughts, we make room to receive the messages animals share with us. In this state of inner stillness, we become aware of the subtle cues and energetic signals they convey.

Another key role is empathy. It catalyzes the Animal Communication session. We forge the connection by stepping into the animal’s perspective and genuinely feeling their emotions. Susan J. Squittieri highlights the significance of empathy in understanding an animal’s needs, fears, and desires. As we cultivate empathy, we see the world through their eyes, gaining a deeper appreciation for their unique experiences. 

The Techniques of Telepathic Animal Communication 

By tuning in to an animal’s vibrational frequency and developing proficiency in the psychic clairs, we unlock a profound method of communication that transcends spoken words. This exploration of energy and intuition allows us to forge a deeper connection with the remarkable creatures we share our lives.

By combining these elements – inner stillness, empathy, and the development of psychic clairs – we embark on a transformative journey of connection with animals. This journey is personal, requiring dedication, practice, and an open heart.

As we cultivate our abilities, we enrich our lives and contribute to a world where humans and animals coexist in harmony and understanding. You can join Susan J. Squittieri for animal communication sessions for animals alive, deceased, not returned home, or lost. Susan has been making a difference for two decades by helping improve the health and relations within and between human and animal family members, locating lost animals, and helping humans find comfort and closure from a deceased companion animal.

Scheduling an Animal Communication session or a series of Animal Communication sessions with Susan will give your animal a voice and open a whole new world for both of you.


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