What is Animal Communication Healing Arts?

Communicating with Animals Beyond Words:

What Is Animal Communication Healing Arts and How It Can Help the Emotional and Physical Health of Your Animal Family Members 

How does Animal Communication Healing Arts Works?

Understanding and Enhancing the Bond with Your Animal Companions

Animal communication is a fascinating practice that involves establishing a telepathic and intuitive connection with animals to understand their needs, emotions, and experiences. By connecting with your beloved animal companions on a deeper level, you can uncover and resolve the sources of their discomfort, disease, and bad habits.

Animal Communicators, also known as Animal Telepaths, Animal Psychics, or Animal Mediums, use nonverbal communication to connect with dogs, cats, horses, and other animals, both alive and deceased. They can also help find lost animals.

Discover the unique bond between you and your animal

Animal Communication Healing Arts practitioner Susan J. Squittieri unveils the intricate world of animal communication and how she facilitates this connection:

Hey there!

I’m so glad you’re here. Let’s dive into the fascinating world of animal communication. I’ll walk you through what it is and how it can benefit humans and animals and share how I practice it as an animal communication healing arts practitioner.

Let’s get started!

What I do is energy work. Energy surrounds us in all living and nonliving creations. You’re composed of energy, and so are your animals. Each of you has a unique, energetic signature pattern, like the call letters of a radio station.

As an energy reader, animal telepath, communicator, psychic, and medium, I can tune into your and your animals energetic signature pattern and carry out a two-way telepathic and intuitive conversation with your animals – alive or deceased. When I hear your voice, have your names written down before me, look at a photograph, or even look at you or your animal in person, it’s like turning on the radio receiver and “tuning in” to your call letters to hear your broadcast with your animal.

Once your animal and I engage energetically, we will communicate in four main pathways. Those four main pathways are known as the four psychic clairs.

The first pathway is called Clairudient or clear hearing. It’s also known as mind-to-mind communication, telepathy, or telepathic communication. So, your animal and I will hear one another’s voices in our minds.

The second pathway is called Clairvoyance or clear seeing. Your animal and I will be sending and receiving visual images. I’ll capture those visual images with my mind’s eye, which is the center of my forehead and the seat of my intuition. So, I’ll see flashes of colors, symbols, shapes, numbers, people, places, animals, environments, and movie-like projections.

The third pathway is called Clairsentient or clear feeling. Your animal and I will be sending and receiving feelings and sensations; plus, I’m a highly sensitive empath and can pick up on the energies in my surroundings, whether in person or from a distance. So I’ll be able to pick up on your animals, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of their being, the family network- which includes humans and animals in the household, the family relationship dynamics, and the environment that you reside in with your animals and the land that your home sits upon. I can also sense if spirits, ghosts, or unfriendly entities inhabit your home or land.

The fourth pathway is called Claircognizant or clear knowing. It’s knowing something is true without having any facts to back it up. I just know.

Those are the four main pathways by which your animal and I will communicate.


I spoke to Susan several times about my dogs and she’s always been very helpful. The thing I’m most grateful for is the help she gave with my dog’s health issue. She saw an issue with her thyroid that my vet didn’t see. I got the right supplements for my dog and sure enough… she lost weight and her anxiety went away! Whenever there’s an issue I can’t quite figure out, I call Susan. She’s amazing!

JoAnn Finger., North Bergen New Jersey

What do you need to know from your animal?

Now, please think about this as having a personal conversation with a person. What do you need to know from your animal? I ask all pet parents to devise a list of questions for their animals to answer. This process makes you an active participant in the communication. I will be your animals’ interpreter, translating their responses into sentences you can understand through my senses of seeing, feeling, hearing, and knowing. Please do not limit yourself when devising a list of questions because your animal is another species or is no longer alive.

In an animal communication session, you can ask questions about your animal’s health and happiness, understand their feelings and thoughts, and learn about their perspective on life and their role in your relationship. Many people also seek out animal communication to clarify and resolve food, health, and behavior concerns or to discuss sensitive topics such as quality of life and end-of-life care.

Animal communication can also help you identify imbalances in your family relationship dynamics and living environment and whether your animal mirrors any stress or illness you or a human or animal family member may be experiencing.


Suppose you want to know more about your animal’s health. In that case, I can do an intuitive, energetic body system scan to identify body systems experiencing disruptions, aches, pain, discomfort, and the discomfort and pain level they are experiencing.

Also, I can energetically scan medications, supplementations, specialty foods, or any food items your animal is ingesting to sense and identify if they resonate with your animal’s body’s constitution. I can also tune in to your animal’s healthcare team to learn if they are a good fit for your animal’s health condition.

Animal Communication is a powerful tool to help you better understand your beloved animal’s life and perspective. This knowledge can empower you, giving you a sense of control and confidence as a pet parent and helping you better understand and care for your beloved animals.

Suppose your animal is deceased. In that case, you can ask questions during an animal afterlife communication sessions about your animal’s significance in your life, their experiences with you, their sickness, illness, and or disease condition, what their passing and ascension process was like, who met them in the afterlife, and what they are doing in the afterlife, etc. These sessions offer a two-way communication channel, allowing you to convey special messages and express your thoughts and emotions to your beloved animal companion to help you move through your mourning and grieving process. If you have other animal family members coping with the loss, I can speak to them and assist in their understanding of their animal friend’s passing and healing process. There are instances where deceased human and animal family and friends may also come forward to say hello and be acknowledged. If that happens, I’ll be sure to inform you. However, we will focus primarily on your animal family member that is in spirit.

Many people seek out an animal afterlife communication session for solace and resolution, and it would be my privilege to assist you on your path to healing.

If your animal family member has not returned home, I can help you locate them. However, lost and missing animal communication sessions are the most challenging. Animals often do not return home for many underlying reasons. Some animals may leave home and not return due to the energy of the household or family relationship dynamics, are unwell and do not want to be a burden to their people, have been stolen, are genuinely lost, frightened by another animal, chose to live with another family, or simply on a boy scout girl scout adventure as I like to call it and are not ready to return home. Lastly, they may not return home because they were killed by a vehicle or another animal.

20 years of working on lost and missing animal cases

In the 20 years of working on lost and missing animal cases, I have been successful in helping pet parents find their animals, helping animals gain strength and courage, and sometimes convincing them to return home on their own. However, I have not been successful. What I do is not an exact science. I also cannot pinpoint the location, but I can get you within the vicinity of your animal based on the information they are providing me.

I can provide insight into whether they are alive or deceased, their whereabouts, what they think, and how they feel. I will also provide you with intuitive guidance and logical recommendations for recovering your animal family member.

Lost and missing animal communication sessions do not guarantee that your animal will be found, returned home on their own, or recovered if deceased. Also, locating or bringing your animal home may take more than one session. I have had many sessions where it can take up to a few months for a pet parent to recover their pet. As I said, animals may be on an adventure, not ready to return home, are genuinely lost, or living with a new family.

Whatever you need—animal Communication, animal afterlife communication, lost and missing recovery, or energetic healing—I am here to help! Call upon me.

These are my specialties:

Energetic Healing & Animal Communication
I offer a holistic approach to support your animal’s wellbeing by combining animal communication with Reiki energy healing. This powerful combination helps address behavioural, physical, and emotional challenges, bringing balance and comfort to your animal’s life.

End of Life Support
Gain insight into your animal’s needs during the transition of death and dying, ensuring they feel understood, loved, and at peace.

Afterlife Communication
Connect with animals who have crossed the rainbow bridge to find closure, peace, and comfort in their messages.

Lost & Missing Animals
Receive intuitive guidance to help locate and understand the experiences of lost or missing animals.



Physical Health Support
Understand your animal’s health issues and explore holistic healing modalities to complement their care.

Behavioural Issues
Uncover the root causes of displaced aggression, anxiety, or unwanted behaviours to find compassionate solutions.

Emotional Wellbeing
Help your animal navigate emotional challenges such as fear, grief, stress, or depression through communication and energetic healing.

Nutritional Guidance
Improve your animal’s diet and nutrition to promote long-term health and vitality.

Adjusting to Life Changes
Support your animal through transitions like moving, family changes, new pets or babies, divorce, or separations.



Strengthen Relationships
Enhance harmony and connection between humans and animals within your household.

Daily Enrichment & Learning
Gain insights into how to enrich your animal’s life through stimulating activities, learning, and training.

Caregiving Guidance
Receive support in caregiving during your animal’s illness, injury, or recovery journey.

Adoption Decisions
Make informed decisions about adoption by understanding an animal’s past experiences, current needs, and compatibility with your family.

Rescue Animal Support
Help rescue animals heal from abandonment, abuse, and neglect as they transition from shelters into their new homes. (This service is offered free of charge.)

The possibilities are endless when we understand the needs of our animal companions and work together to create healing and harmony.

Here are FOUR ways we can get started together. What do you need help with?


Animal Communication

Receive insight into your animal’s needs to help solve problems related to health, diet, or behaviour.


Animal Afterlife Communication

Connect with your pet in spirit to receive messages of comfort and closure after their passing.


Lost Pet Guidance

Gain intuitive assistance to help locate and understand the circumstances surrounding your lost animal.


Animal Reiki Healing

Support your animal’s physical, emotional, and energetic wellbeing with the gentle, balancing energy of Reiki.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the Answers You Need About Animal Communication and Reiki

Explore our FAQ section to find answers to common questions about animal communication, Reiki, and how these practices can support the well-being of your animal companions. Whether you’re curious about how it works, what to expect in a session, or how to get started, we’re here to provide the information you need to feel confident and informed.

What to Expect from a Session?

Long-distance phone, or in-person sessions start with discovery from the animal’s perspective.

Animal Psychics connect telepathically. They introduce themselves and then ask for permission to offer support and guidance. When animals experience a psychic connection, they sense a compassionate listener and friend. This trusted bond opens up further discovery to find ways to help the animal heal. Thoughts, feelings, and imagery from the session get conveyed to the animal guardian or caregiver to help resolve and heal any challenges within the animal’s life.

How do people benefit from Animal Communication?

Animal Communication can offer invaluable insights into the lives and perspectives of our beloved animal family members. Whether you have a domestic, farm, exotic, or wildlife animal, an Animal Communicator can help you identify and address common problems affecting their well-being.

In a session, you can ask questions about your animal’s health and happiness, understand their feelings and thoughts, and learn about their perspective on life and their role in your relationship. Many people also seek out animal communication to clarify food, health, and behavior concerns, or to discuss sensitive topics such as end-of-life care.

Animal communication can also help you identify imbalances in your family dynamics and living environment, and whether your animal mirrors any stress or illness you or a human or animal family member may be experiencing. With the help of a skilled Animal Communicator like Susan J. Squittieri, you can strengthen your bond with your animal and support their overall well-being.

How can an Animal Communicator help you and your animal?

Asking for help from an Animal Communicator like Susan can offer more than just physical solutions for your animal friend. Through Animal Communication and Susan’s healing support, you and your animal companion can experience a deeper connection and overall well-being.

In addition to practical information about your animal’s health and needs, a session with Susan can provide insights into your life and relationships. By understanding your animal’s purpose in your life and the dynamics of your relationship, you can address any imbalances and promote better health for you and your animal companion.

At the heart and soul level, Susan can connect with your animals and provide guidance on their life purpose and how they fit into your life. The focus is on creating a harmonious relationship between all members of your household, as relationship dynamics are crucial to the well-being of both animals and humans.

By seeking help from an Animal Communicator like Susan, you are investing in the overall health and happiness of your animal friend and your entire household.

Be sure to read the FAQS page to learn more about the process.

Why do clients call Susan to Communicate with their Animal Companions?

There are many reasons why people reach out to Susan for Animal Communication Healing Arts. Some may have tried traditional methods to address their animal’s health or behavioral issues without success, while others want to deepen their connection with their animal companions.

Your animals’ life, health, and happiness depend on your understanding of their messages.

If you have grave concerns about your animal’s health or behavior, please consider Animal Communication Healing Arts before taking drastic measures such as abandoning, surrendering, or euthanizing. It can save a life!

Clients call Susan when they need to find lost and missing animals, solve displaced aggression and behavior problems by first understanding the causes of the issues, and understand an animal’s emotional problems such as fear, anxiety, stress, aggression, depression, and grief, understand and support an animal with health issues, improve their animals dietary and nutritional needs, support an animal through changes in the environmental or family structure including moving, divorce, a new baby, a new animal, or periodic separations, improve relationships with human and non-human family members to foster harmony in the household, enhance daily enrichment, and learning and training*.

Clients also call Susan when they need to consider new caregiving practices during an animal’s illness or injury, decide on adoption based on an animal’s past experiences, current needs, and energetic compatibility with current family members, assist rescue animals with issues of abandonment, abuse, and neglect as they transition from shelter to home, and understand an animal’s needs in the death and dying process.

Susan also communicates with animals who are In Spirit, providing closure and comfort. Learn more about Susan’s Animal Afterlife Communication services.

* Animal Communication is not a substitute for behavior training and does not always solve behavioral problems. It can be an ideal way to support the process.

Working in Partnership with Animal Care Providers

Susan works in partnership with Veterinarians, Animal Therapists, Animal Behaviorists, Animal Trainers, Animal Welfare Societies, Rescues, and Shelters to assure the quality of life for all animals. Read more about Susan’s Giving Back program here.

Contact Susan or call 845.512.8389 to learn how Susan can work in partnership with your animal care provider to assure and improve the quality of life for all animals.

Experience Positive Change and Healing through Animal Communication

Susan offers her Animal Communication services via phone nationwide and provides house calls in and around Valley Cottage, NY, as well as surrounding counties in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, including Rockland, Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess, Orange, Ulster, Passaic, Bergen, Fairfield, New Haven, and Litchfield. Schedule a Session with Susan Today and Begin Your Journey to Deeper Understanding and Healing for Your Animal Companion!

Client Testimonials

Kind words and praise. Real people, real stories - hear what Susan's clients have to say.

Discover what Susan’s clients have to say about their experiences. Genuine feedback from real people who have benefitted from her services.

I spoke to Susan several times about my dogs and she’s always been very helpful. The thing I’m most grateful for is the help she gave with my dog’s health issue. She saw an issue with her thyroid that my vet didn’t see. I got the right supplements for my dog and sure enough… she lost weight and her anxiety went away! Whenever there’s an issue I can’t quite figure out, I call Susan. She’s amazing!

JoAnn Finger., North Bergen New Jersey

Susan’s intuitive understanding of energy and her ability to connect with animals is quite remarkable. I would recommend her to those individuals who are interested in getting to know their animals on a deeper level.

Mary M., Rockland County, NY

For years, Susan has been a trusted resource for my animals. Susan is an exceptionally talented animal communicator whose rapport with other species is truly astonishing. Her warmth and compassionate style have brought healing and clarity into my relationships with my animals. I will always turn to Susan first for any of my animals needs. Her first priority is their well-being; she is needed in this world for gapping the bridge between humans and their animal companions.

Roni Taylor., Littleton, CO

Susan went out of her way to accommodate us, despite very inconvenient circumstances. There were incredible “coincidences” (if you believe in such things) that occurred even before we met. Her kindness, abilities, and unselfishness can assist you in many ways, on many levels.

Kevin K., New City, NY

I was skeptical about doing an animal communication session with my four dogs, but after hearing what Susan had to say it was clear she was very real and genuine. Everything she told me was right-on and I would definitely recommend her.

Amy S., Upstate New York

Susan is a blessing. She has helped me understand my animals needs and wishes during her death and dying process and put me at ease. Thank you so much for your incredible love for animals and gift to communicate.  Without your guidance and support I don’t know what I would have done.  Many thanks and much love.

Melanie K., Athens, Georgia

Feel free to reach out with your inquiries

Two Bear Healing Arts is happy to assist you on your journey to enhancing the well-being of your animal companions.