Have you ever thought about wanting to understand your animal companions better? Do you wish you could communicate with them more effectively and help them heal from any physical or emotional issues? If so, you might be interested in learning more about animal communication healing arts, a practice that involves using intuitive and telepathic communication to understand your animal’s needs, emotions, and experiences. By connecting with your beloved animal companions on a deeper level, you can uncover the sources of their discomfort, disease, and bad habits, and help them feel more relaxed, comfortable, and loved.
Animal communication healing arts is not just a way of talking to animals, but a way of listening to them and respecting them as sentient beings who have their own thoughts, feelings, and soul. Essentially, it is how you can connect with your animal companion on a deeper level. It is a holistic and integrative approach to animal care that supports your animal’s well-being on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
In this blog post, we will explore the two main aspects of animal communication healing arts: animal communication and animal energy healing. We will also discuss how animal communication healing arts practitioners, also known as animal communicators, animal psychics, or animal mediums, use these skills to communicate with animals of all kinds, from domesticated animals to farm animals, wildlife, and even marine life. They can communicate with animals in person or from a distance, as well as with animals who are alive or who have passed away.
The benefits are plentiful if you’re wondering about the advantages of animal communication healing arts for you and your animal family members. Not only can it enhance your relationship with your animal companions, but it can also improve your emotional and physical health. Here are some of the reasons why animal communication healing arts can make a positive difference in your life and the lives of your animals:
How Animal Communication Healing Arts Improve Animal Health and Behavior
One of the main reasons why people seek animal communication healing arts is to help their animal companions with their health and behavior issues. Animal communication healing arts can help you identify the root causes of your animal’s physical and emotional problems, such as injury, disease, stress, trauma, fear, or boredom. It can also help you find solutions that work for both you and your animal, such as changing their diet, environment, routine, or training.
It can also help you provide your animal with comfort, relief, and healing. Animal communication can also help you prepare your animal for surgery, recovery, or transition, and communicate with your animal after they have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Animal energy healing techniques, such as Reiki, can help release energy blockages, alleviate pain, reduce stress, and restore balance in your animal’s body, mind, and spirit.
Some examples of how animal communication healing arts can help improve animal health and behavior are:
- Helping a dog who was abused by his previous owner to overcome his fear and trust issues and find a loving home. An animal communicator can help the dog express his feelings and needs, and reassure him that he is safe and cared for.
- Helping a cat who was suffering from kidney failure to express her wishes and receive palliative care. An animal communicator can help the cat communicate with her human companion and let her know how she is feeling and what she wants.
- Helping a horse who was injured in a trailer accident to heal and recover his confidence. An animal communicator can help the horse share his experience and emotions, and understand what happened and why.
How Animal Communication Healing Arts Strengthen the Human-Animal Bond
Another benefit of animal communication healing arts is that it helps you connect with Your Animal and enhance humans’ and animals’ emotional and physical well-being by increasing bonding, trust, and understanding. Animal communication healing arts can help you appreciate your animal’s personality, preferences, feelings, and unique gifts and talents. It also helps you acknowledge and respect your animal’s autonomy, dignity, choices, and role and purpose in your life.
Animal communication healing arts can also help you communicate more effectively and compassionately with your animal and other humans and animals. It can aid you in resolving conflicts, misunderstandings, and disagreements and expressing gratitude, appreciation, and love. Additionally, animal communication healing arts can bring joy, fun, and laughter into your connection with your animal and help you support each other through challenges and difficulties.
Some studies that show the positive effects of animal communication healing arts on stress, happiness, and health are:
- A study found that it can increase oxytocin levels in humans and animals, a hormone promoting bonding, happiness, and social behavior.
- A study found that animal communication can improve the quality of life and well-being of both humans and animals, especially those who are elderly, disabled, or isolated.
How Animal Communication Healing Arts Expand Human Consciousness
A third benefit of animal communication healing arts is that it can help humans gain insights and wisdom from animals, who have different Life perspectives and experiences. Animals can teach us many valuable lessons, such as compassion, gratitude, joy, forgiveness, patience, and courage. They can also help us connect with our true self, our higher self, and our spiritual self, as well as with nature, the universe, and the divine.
Animal communication healing arts can also help us awaken and develop our own intuitive and psychic abilities, as well as our creativity and imagination. It can help us access higher states of consciousness, such as lucid dreaming, astral projection, and soul travel. It can also help us explore other dimensions, realms, and realities, such as the spirit world, the animal kingdom, and the elemental kingdom.
Some examples of how animals can help us expand our consciousness are:
- Helping a woman who was diagnosed with cancer to find her life purpose and spiritual path.
- Helping a man who was depressed and suicidal to rediscover his joy and passion for life.
- Helping a child who was autistic and non-verbal to communicate and express himself.
How to Try Animal Communication Healing Arts: Connect with Your Animal Yourself
If you are interested in trying animal communication healing arts yourself, you can start by following these simple steps:
- Choose an animal that you want to communicate with. It can be your animal companion, a friend’s, or a wild animal that you encounter. Make sure that you have their permission and that they are willing to talk to you.
- Find a quiet and comfortable place where you can relax and focus. You can sit, lie down, or stand, as long as you are comfortable and calm.
- Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Clear your mind of any thoughts, worries, or distractions. Set your intention to communicate with the animal and ask for their permission.
- Visualize sending a beam of light from your heart to the animal’s heart. Feel the connection and the love between you and the animal. You can also visualize that you are holding the animal in your arms or that you are sitting next to them.
- Start by greeting the animal and introducing yourself. Tell them your name, why you want to talk to them, and what you want to ask them. You can also compliment them or thank them for their time.
- Listen to the animal’s response. You may receive their message in different ways, such as words, images, feelings, sounds, or sensations. Pay attention to the first impression that you get and trust your intuition. Don’t judge, doubt, or analyze the message, just accept it.
- Write down or record your experience.
- Continue the conversation by asking more questions or sharing more information. You can ask the animal about their health, behavior, feelings, preferences, or anything else you are curious about. You can also tell the animal about yourself. Be respectful, honest, and compassionate, and avoid forcing, manipulating, or criticizing the animal.
- When you are done, thank the animal for their communication and say goodbye. Disconnect the beam of light from your hearts and open your eyes.
- Reflect on what you learned.
To learn more about animal communication healing arts or improve your skills, contact Susan J. Squittieri and check out her services at Two Bear Healing Arts. Susan offers animal Reiki and animal communication sessions and classes. She can help you connect with your animal family members, give them a voice so they are heard, and help them heal in a loving and respectful way.
Going Beyond Words
Animal communication healing arts is a wonderful way to connect with your animal companions and help them heal. It can help you understand what your animals are thinking and feeling, as well as provide them with comfort, relief, and healing. It can also help you improve your own health, happiness, and consciousness, and learn from the wisdom and perspective of animals.
Animal communication healing arts is a practice that honors and celebrates animals as sentient beings who have their own thoughts, feelings, and soul. To experience animal communication healing arts, follow the simple steps shared above, or contact Susan J. Squittieri at Two Bear Healing Arts. You will be amazed by the results and the benefits that animal communication healing arts can bring to you and your animal family members.